Comments on: Simple Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie Thu, 29 Mar 2018 17:24:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josie Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:58:12 +0000 Thanks Sam! I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂

By: Sam Thu, 13 Jul 2017 19:14:27 +0000 Just found this great recipe on Pinterest. Thank you so much for this recipe. I absolutely loved it!

By: Kimm Tue, 04 Jul 2017 19:14:08 +0000 I’m definitely making this! I think I’ll freeze the watermelon and strawberries first! Nom! Nom!

By: Lisa Fetty Wed, 07 Sep 2016 15:18:21 +0000 I have a bowl of watermelon chunks in the fridge waiting for this!

By: Daphne Tue, 30 Aug 2016 22:35:32 +0000 Just so happened I had frozen watermelon and strawberries along with the rest of the ingredients. Love it! Thanks.

By: Stella Sun, 24 Jul 2016 23:16:08 +0000 Hi,
I just made it… and I love it!!! 🙂

By: Josie Tue, 05 Jul 2016 23:00:34 +0000 Hi Pat! 🙂 Glad to hear that you’re a chia fan! I’ve never tried sprouting chia seeds before; I just toss them into liquid and they automatically swell up. That’s so cool that you’ll be planting chia plants at home.

The promotion for the free Super Smoothies ebook is over, but we can email it to you if you send us your email address (you can find this info on our contact page). Thanks for checking out our website!

By: Pat in Atlanta Sun, 03 Jul 2016 20:04:30 +0000 Sorry, JOSIE …. I’ve been corresponding with a ‘Jessie’ also, and typed and submitted it before I realized what I had done!!

So glad I found YOU, JOSIE!!!

By: Pat in Atlanta Sun, 03 Jul 2016 20:01:53 +0000 First of all, the link to your Free Super Smoothies E-Book is not working. Do you still offer this? Please let me know.

Secondly, I LOVE Blackberries & grow organic ones!!! So I will be substituting blackberries for the strawberries …. and possibly adding a dash of vodka at night for an adult beverage!!

Thirdly, I don’t have a Whole Foods near me :(, but we do have a small chain called Fresh Market in the next little town to me south of Atlanta, GA. I love their deli Flatbread Spinach & Feta Cheese pizzas & ordered one one day to eat on the go (have since figured out my own recipe for this pizza!!) during having medical images done sporadically throughout the day nearby.

So I needed a drink to go with my pizza & they sent me to their cold organic drinks shelves. Mama Chia is a business who makes all kinds of drinks with Chia seeds in it. So, of course, I chose the Blackberry with Chia seeds!! It was amazing & filled with lots of Chia seeds, so I now put Chia seeds in ALL my drinks I make from our organic fruit in our newly planted organic garden fruit orchard & raised tables veggie garden!!

I will be planting Chia plants soon (both outside now & in my greenhouse during the winter!) … and will have my own organic ones, as they are so expensive in the stores!

I am still learning about Chia seeds and all their wonderful health benefits … as well as their endless used in MOST recipes (just found some to add them in hummus & guacomole!!), but I believe the only time you have to ‘soak’ Chia seeds ahead of time (to sprout them) is when you are incorporating them into a dry mix recipe, or steel grain oatmeal, or the like. Am I correct?

LOVE your website …. found you through Pinterest, as well as a couple of new organic websites I’ve recently discovered … so glad I found you, Jessie!!

By: Josie Mon, 04 Apr 2016 16:59:12 +0000 Hi Jessica, feel free to omit the chia seeds! They’re not mandatory at all 🙂
